Choose the right solution for you

We make it easy to select the plan that suits your strategy, customer habits, and budget. Our plans include:

pictogram check
Sliding-scale prices
pictogram check
Tailored solutions

regulated or unregulated operators

pictogram check
Support and assistance included

One API that works for everyone.

Powens offers a suitable regulatory operating model for any business.

For digital banking and consumer fintech applications
What’s included
  • Account Check pictogram
    Account Check
  • Transactions pictogram
  • balances pictogram
  • Wealth information Investments, loans, savings picto
    Wealth information: investments, loans, savings
  • Pay out picto
    Pay out
  • Standing payments picto
    Standing payments
  • Bill information pictogram
    Bill information
  • Retrieve documents & data picto
    Retrieve documents & data
For business banking, accounting and finance applications
What’s included
  • Account Check pictogram
    Account Check
  • Transactions pictogram
  • balances pictogram
  • Pay out picto
    Pay in & pay out
  • pictogram check
    Bulk payments
  • Bill information pictogram
    Bill information
  • Retrieve documents & data picto
    Retrieve invoices
For Payment Service Providers and merchant applications
What’s included
  • Account Check pictogram
    Account Check
  • pictogram check
    Funds availability
  • Pay out picto
    Pay in & pay out
  • pictogram check
    Bulk payments
  • Standing payments picto
    Standing payments
  • Bill information pictogram
    Bill information
  • Retrieve documents & data picto
    Retrieve invoices

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