icon Wealth

The top wealth aggregation solution with maximum financial products

Benefit from the highest number of financial product types access and synchronization success rate!

Breadth and depth of financial data

Exclusively access financial data beyond PSD2, including savings, loans, investments, benefit accounts, mortgages, trading, and crypto platforms.

Expertise in serving multiple types of customers

We help banks, insurance companies, private banks, wealth management apps, crypto platforms, and wealth software to access and aggregate accurate, up-to-date, and highly granular transactional data.

Highest level of service

Each day, we prove that we can maintain 55 live customers that total 700K+ connexions and 3M+ active wealth accounts synced, with a daily 96,5% data refresh success rate.

What’s in Wealth?

Individual & business

Unparalleled depth of information on users’ savings & loans.

  • Multiple savings accounts supported with a history of funds deposited and withdrawn.
  • Consumer loans, revolving credit, and mortgage accounts from both banks and consumer finance institutions.
  • Rich loan details with total paid / outstanding principal, monthly repayments, interest rates, loan maturity, insurance rate, and more.

Instant connectivity to securities accounts & wallets from banks and online platforms.

  • Multiple products supported, including securities accounts, life insurance, and crypto wallets.
  • Retrieve detailed portfolios with assets, ISINs, quantity, valuation, performance, and more.
  • List market orders executed by the user, including details on status, stock market, quantity, or value.

Aggregate group savings & pension plans with clean, standardized data.

  • Multiple products supported, including French PEE, PER, and PERCO.
  • Detailed portfolio data with assets, ISINs, quantity, valuation, performance, and more.
  • Granular information on Pockets for the company contributed free shares.

Get a 360° view of ALL your multi-banked customers’ financial products


How users connect their accounts to your apps

We ensure all user accounts are easy to connect and always available.

Webview link URL

screenshot of the banking aggreator

Security & consent

We take your users by the hand by building trust and making sure they give their consent with confidence.


Selecting institutions

Users quickly find the right institution: we highlight popular ones and provide a blazing-fast search experience.



Users can securely enter their login & password directly into Powens webview without the need for redirection.


Account selection

Users can select just the bank accounts they wish to share, making our consent flow fully GDPR-compliant.


That’s it!

The user is redirected to your app or website and transactions, balances and detailed portfolios are instantly retrieved.

"We chose to work with Powens because of their unique combination of bank account and wealth account aggregation. Users can see the evolution of their assets in real time, which is a huge plus in terms of user experience."
Mounir Laggoune
Co-founder - Finary

Powens Console

User-friendly configuration of your domains, client applications, webhooks, and connectors. Complete monitoring of connection statuses.

Create an account and let us guide you
Set up a free sandbox in a few clicks and follow the wizard to easily test our API with real-life scenarios.
Adapt the user flow to maximize success rates. Choose the capabilities and banks to activate.
Check bank sync use and keep an eye on health statuses.
Visualize key metrics and trends to optimize your open finance experience (amounts, users, conversion rates...).

Powens by the numbers

Financial Institutions
Wealth Products
API Calls
Industry leading data refresh success rate
Active customers
Consumer end-users connected in 2022
Active wealth accounts synced daily
Prefooter background

Want to access unique data for building unique savings & wealth management apps?

Explore our developer resources, including a test environment